Secure crypto voting application

What is this?

Did you ever thought about having a reliable digital poll with zero trust?

This project uses linkable spontaneous anonymous group (LSAG) signatures, combining anonymity with security. This technology ensures each vote is both private and protected against fraud, integrating multiple public keys into a single, untraceable signature to prevent double-voting and maintain election integrity.

How to use

This web application simplifies the process of creating and verifying linkable ring signatures for secure and private voting.

Here's a step-by-step guide on the overall process:

Step 1: Generate Key Pairs

First, all participants create their unique key pairs within the "sign" page. These key pairs consist of a public key (shared with the voting authority) and a private key (kept secret).

Step 2: Publish Public Keys

Participants then submit their public keys to the voting authority. These keys will be used to verify signatures but will not reveal the identity of the signer.

Step 3: Freeze the List

Once all public keys are collected, the voting authority freezes the list of participating public keys. This step ensures that only authorized participants can contribute to the voting process.

Step 4: Sign Your Message

Each participant can now sign their vote or message using their private key and a full list of frozen public keys.

LSAG ensures that there is no way to determine which private key was used to create this signature and it also ensures that it was one of the key from the list.

Step 5: Submit the Signature

After signing their message, participants send the signed message to the voting authority, which immediately publishes all received signatures.

They can also use anonymous network like Tor to be protected from tracking by IP address.

Final step: Verification

Now, anyone can verify that each vote or message was indeed signed by someone from the authorized list of participants. The unique key image generated for each signature ensures that no one can vote multiple times or manipulate the results.


Interested in trying an automated and user-friendly pipeline?

We also offer a service that automates the secure voting process, making it accessible and straightforward for non-technical users. Experience the ease of secure voting with just a few clicks.

Ready to get started or have questions? Contact us at to discover how our platform can transform your voting experience.

If you have technical questions feel free to ask them on project github.

This project is based on "Linkable Spontaneous Anonymous Group Signature for Ad Hoc Groups" paper.

LSAG implementation is taken from Monero project which is a cryptocurrency with focus on security and anonymity.